YAZAKI: Past, present, future. We are connected. YAZAKI: Past, present, future. We are connected.


Message from the Chairman

Mr. Yasuhiko Yazaki, Chairman of the Yazaki Group,
recalls the company’s founder, Sadami Yazaki.

HOME Message from the Chairman

On June 21, 2015, the Yazaki Group entered its 75th year. This important anniversary comes as the result of the support and cooperation that our customers and other Yazaki friends have so kindly extended to us over the years. To all of you, I wish to express my sincerest gratitude.

It goes without saying that we do business by utilizing various resources provided to us by society. It is precisely because of this that the foundation of Yazaki’s Corporate Policy-specifically, to be “A Corporation in Step with the World” and “A Corporation Needed by Society”-is oriented toward returning the benefits we gain through our business to society and the community.

We have made it to where we are today by consistently desiring to be needed by our customers and, by extension, society. The manufacture of wire harnesses, our flagship product, requires a great many people; indeed, wire harnesses only come into being when people in various countries and regions around the world cooperate in making them. This desire is also reflected in our other products and services, such as our living environment equipment.

Of course, not everything has been smooth sailing over the course of the past 75 years. In fact, it is my sense that the difficult times far outnumbered the easy ones. However, whenever we came up against a tough challenge, we always returned to our Corporate Policy and used it as a compass to guide us forward. Looking back, I believe it is no exaggeration to say that the Yazaki Group’s history was built on this process, repeated over and over again. And this will continue to be the case in the years to come.

The Yazaki Group’s history is also the history of human resources development. Having gone to work immediately after leaving elementary school, our founder, Sadami Yazaki, knew better than anyone the importance of learning. Because of this, he put a great deal of effort into employee education. I believe Sadami understood intuitively from the very beginning that human resources development would be the greatest contributor to not only his company but also the coming global society. It is our intention to steadfastly pass on this attitude as a Yazaki tradition into the future.

As we celebrate our 75th Anniversary, I am once again filled with profound appreciation for the efforts and sacrifices of those that came before us, and I renew my commitment to continue providing value to our customers and society.

I respectfully request your continued support and guidance in this endeavor.

Yazaki Corporation


Yasuhiko Yazaki